WALKtober is Here!

by Eric Cavazos
October 5, 2022

October is National Pedestrian Safety Month, the perfect time to highlight a group of walkers who prioritized safety, health, and fun. The American Volkssport Association (AVA) is a non-competitive sports organization committed to fun, fitness, and friendship. Their sport of choice? Walking!
Having a safe event is the AVA's top priority. Trail master Susan Medlin personally walks each trail the day before an event to ensure it is safe for all walkers. The #1 safety issue for the association is a crack in the sidewalk since the average person only lifts their feet a couple of centimeters off the ground. Each of their routes is given a number to represent the incline/elevation and a letter to represent the terrain. For example, 5E would describe a trail with many hills on rocky terrain, while 1A would describe a mostly flat trail that is on smooth pavement.
Benefits of Walking
It’s well-known and documented that physical activity is linked with lowering the risk of obesity, reducing high blood pressure, and relieving stress. But the number one benefit according to Susan Medlin is the comradery with other walkers. At every walking event, you have the opportunity to meet others with similar interests and gain lasting friendships.
Upcoming Events
On October 23 the AVA is planning a 5k and 10k walk starting at the Japanese Tea Garden. With a $3 registration fee, this is a great opportunity to start your walking journey. More information can be found on the flyer for the event. For specific questions, you may contact Susan Medlin at suemmed@aol.com.
The 18th Olympiad
For the first time ever, the IVV (The International Federation of Popular Sports) Olympiad is coming to North America and will be here in San Antonio, Texas. The Olympiad is February 19-23, 2023 followed by the IML (The International Marching League) Texas Trail Roundup from February 23-24. Register now for seven days of walking and exploring San Antonio. Each day will feature different walks some along the river, others along the missions, all depicting the vast beauty of the city.